Network information

CORSnet-NSW Coverage Map

Current CORSnet-NSW roll-out (full image) (JPG 329.6 KB)

Alert Messages

Health Status


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Network Coverage

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Click on a location below to view network station details:

CORS Status
(not a live update)
Adaminaby Operational Snowy Monaro Regional Council
Albury Operational VIC Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) & Albury City Council
Anna Bay Operational Port Stephens Council and NSW Rural Fire Service
Ardlethan Operational Coolamon Shire Council
Armidale Operational Armidale Dumaresq Shire Council
Armidale 2 Operational NSW Public Works and Geoscience Australia
Ashford Operational Inverell Shire Council
Ballina Operational -
Balranald Operational Balranald Shire Council
Bankstown Operational Bankstown City Council
Barraba Operational Tamworth Regional Council
Barrack Heights Decommissioned 06/01/2021 NSW Public Works and Geoscience Australia
Barrack Heights 2 Operational NSW Public Works and Geoscience Australia
Bathurst Operational -
Beaudesert Operational QLD Department of Natural Resources & Mines (DNRM)
Bega Operational Bega Valley Shire Council
Bendoc Operational VIC Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP)
Bermagui Operational Bega Valley Shire Council
Biggara Decommissioned 21/09/2020 VIC Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP)
Bingleburra Operational AuScope
Blacktown Operational Blacktown City Council
Blackville Operational Liverpool Plains Shire Council
Bobadah Operational -
Bombala Operational Bombala Shire Council
Booligal Operational Hay Shire Council
Boorowa Operational Boorowa Council
Borambil Operational Liverpool Plains Shire Council
Bourke Operational Bourke Shire Council
Braidwood Operational Palerang Council
Brewarrina Operational Brewarrina Shire Council
Broken Hill Operational AuScope & Broken Hill City Council
Bundarra Operational Uralla Shire Council
Burren Junction Operational Walgett Shire Council and NSW Rural Fire Service
Camden Decommissioned 07/04/2022 Camden Council
Carinda Operational Walgett Shire Council and NSW Rural Fire Service
Casino Operational Richmond Valley Council
Cessnock Operational Cessnock City Council
Charnwood Operational ACT Environment and Planning Directorate
Chippendale Decommissioned 03/10/2013 RailCorp
Chisholm Operational ACT Environment and Planning Directorate
Cobar Operational Cobar Shire Council
Cobram3 Operational VIC Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP)
Coffs Harbour Decommissioned 21/05/2024 -
Coffs Harbour 2 Operational -
Coleambally Operational Murrumbidgee Shire Council
Collarenebri Operational Walgett Shire Council
Condobolin Operational Lachlan Shire Council
Coolabah Operational -
Coolah Operational Warrumbungle Shire Council
Cooma Operational Cooma-Monaro Shire Council
Coonabarabran Operational AuScope & Warrumbungle Shire Council
Coonamble Operational Coonamble Shire Council
Cootamundra Operational Cootamundra Shire Council
Copmanhurst Operational Clarence Valley Council
Cordeaux Operational BHP Billiton Illawarra Coal
Cowan II Operational RailCorp
Cowra Operational -
Crookwell Operational Upper Lachlan Shire Council
Dee Why Operational Warringah Council
Deniliquin Operational Deniliquin Council
Dickson Decommissioned 27/08/2020 ACT Environment and Planning Directorate
Dorrigo Operational Bellingen Shire Council
Dubbo Operational -
Dunedoo Operational Warrumbungle Shire Council
East Corrimal Operational NSW Public Works and Geoscience Australia
Echuca Operational VIC Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP)
Eden Operational Port Authority of New South Wales
Emmdale Operational -
Forbes Decommissioned 07/02/2023 Forbes Shire Council
Forbes 2 Operational Forbes Shire Council
Forster Operational Great Lakes Council
Fort Denison Decommissioned 01/08/2023 Office of Environment and Heritage
Fort Denison 2 Operational Office of Environment and Heritage
Fowlers Gap Operational University of NSW
Genoa Operational VIC Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP)
Gerringong Operational Kiama Municipal Council
Gilgandra Operational Gilgandra Shire Council
Glen Innes Operational Glen Innes Severn Council
Goolgowi Operational Carrathool Shire Council
Goulburn Operational -
Goulburn 2 Operational NSW Public Works and Geoscience Australia
Grafton Operational -
Grenfell Operational Weddin Shire Council
Griffith Operational Griffith City Council
Gungahlin Operational ACT Environment and Planning Directorate
Gunnedah Operational Gunnedah Shire Council
Gurley Operational Moree Plains Shire Council and NSW Rural Fire Service
Gwabegar Operational Narrabri Shire Council
Hay Operational Hay Shire Council
Hernani Operational AuScope
Hillston Operational Carrathool Shire Council
Holbrook Decommissioned 25/05/2021 Greater Hume Shire Council
Holbrook 2 Operational Greater Hume Shire Council
Hornsby Operational Hornsby Shire Council
Inglewood Operational QLD Department of Natural Resources & Mines (DNRM) & Geoscience Australia
Inverell Operational Inverell Shire Council
Irymple Operational VIC Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP)
Ivanhoe Operational AuScope
Ivanhoe 2 Operational Ivanhoe Aerodrome Reserve Trust
Jerilderie Operational Jerilderie Shire Council
Katoomba Operational Blue Mountains City Council
Kerang2 Operational VIC Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP)
Kincumber Operational Central Coast Council
Kirrawee Operational NSW Public Works and Geoscience Australia
Kulwin Operational -
Kurrajong Operational Hawkesbury City Council and NSW Rural Fire Service
Lake Cargelligo Operational Lachlan Shire Council
Lightning Ridge Operational Walgett Shire Council
Lindsay Point Operational VIC Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP)
Lithgow Operational Lithgow City Council
Lockhart Operational Lockhart Shire Council
Lord Howe Island Operational Geoscience Australia
Louth Operational Bourke Shire Council and NSW Rural Fire Service
Macksville Operational Nambucca Shire Council
Maitland Operational Maitland City Council
Mannering Park Operational Wyong Shire Council
Menangle Operational RailCorp
Menindee Operational Central Darling Shire Council
Merrinee North Operational VIC Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP)
Merriwa Operational Upper Hunter Shire Council
Mogo Operational Eurobodalla Shire Council
Moogerah Operational QLD Department of Transport and Main Roads
Moree Operational Moree Plains Shire Council
Moss Vale Decommissioned 29/05/2020 Wingecarribee Shire Council
Moss Vale 2 Operational Wingecarribee Shire Council
Moulamein Operational Wakool Shire Council
Mount Hope Operational -
Mount Thorley Operational Coal & Allied
Mudgee Operational Mid-Western Regional Council
Mulgrave Operational RailCorp
Mullumbimby Operational Byron Shire Council
Mulwala Operational Corowa Shire Council
Muswellbrook Operational Muswellbrook Shire Council
Narrabri Operational Narrabri Shire Council
Narrandera Operational Narrandera Shire Council
Narromine Operational Narromine Shire Council
Newcastle Operational -
Newcastle East Operational Office of Environment and Heritage & Newcastle Port Corporation
Nimbin Operational Lismore City Council
Norfolk Island Operational Geoscience Australia
North Bourke Operational AuScope
North Star Operational AuScope
Nowendoc Operational Walcha Council and NSW Rural Fire Service
Nowra Operational -
Nymagee Operational Cobar Shire Council and NSW Rural Fire Service
Nyngan Operational Bogan Shire Council
Oberon Operational Oberon Council
Oran Park Operational Camden Council
Orange Operational -
Oxley Operational Balranald Shire Council
Parkes Operational Roads and Maritime Services
Pearce Operational ACT Environment and Planning Directorate
Perisher Valley Operational Office of Environment and Heritage
Piangil Operational VIC Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP)
Picton Operational Wollondilly Shire Council
Pooncarie Operational Wentworth Shire Council
Port Botany Operational Sydney Ports Corporation
Port Kembla Operational AuScope & Port Kembla Port Corporation
Port Macquarie Operational Port Macquarie Hastings Council
Putty Operational Singleton Council and NSW Rural Fire Service
Quambone Operational Coonamble Shire Council and NSW Rural Fire Service
Raglan Operational -
Rand Operational Urana Shire Council
Rankins Springs Operational Carrathool Shire Council
Raymond Terrace Operational Port Stephens Council
Robina Operational QLD Department of Natural Resources & Mines (DNRM)
Robinvale Operational VIC Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP)
Rufus Operational SA Water
Rutherford Operational Maitland City Council
Rylstone Operational Mid-Western Regional Council
Scone Operational Upper Hunter Shire Council
Singleton Operational Singleton Council
Speers Point Operational Lake Macquarie City Council
Springwood Operational RailCorp
Stromlo 2 Operational Geoscience Australia
Symonston Operational Geoscience Australia
Tamworth Operational Tamworth Regional Council
Taree Decommissioned 21/10/2021 -
Taree South Operational MidCoast Council
Temora Operational Temora Shire Council
Tenterfield Operational Tenterfield Shire Council
Tibooburra Operational AuScope
Tidbinbilla Operational Geoscience Australia
Tilpa Operational -
Tottenham Operational Lachlan Shire Council
Tullamore Operational Parkes Shire Council and NSW Rural Fire Service
Tumbarumba Operational Tumbarumba Shire Council
Tumut Operational Tumut Shire Council
Tuross Head Operational AuScope & Eurobodalla Shire Council
Ulladulla Operational Shoalhaven City Council
University of NSW Decommissioned 14/12/2017 University of NSW
University of NSW 2 Operational University of NSW
Villawood Operational RailCorp
Wagga Wagga Operational -
Wakool Operational Wakool Shire Council
Walgett Operational Walgett Shire Council
Walwa Operational VIC Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP)
Warialda Operational Gwydir Shire Council
Warragamba Operational Water NSW
Warren Operational Warren Shire Council
Warwick Operational QLD Department of Natural Resources & Mines (DNRM)
Waterfall Operational RailCorp
Wauchope Operational Port Macquarie-Hastings Council
Weemelah Operational Moree Plains Shire Council and NSW Rural Fire Service
Wellington Operational Wellington Council
Wentworth Operational Wentworth Shire Council
West Wyalong Operational AuScope
Western Sydney International Airport Operational -
White Cliffs Operational Central Darling Shire Council and NSW Rural Fire Service
Wilcannia Operational Central Darling Shire Council
Willawarrin Operational Kempsey Shire Council
Williamsdale Operational ACT Environment and Planning Directorate
Wodonga Operational VIC Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP)
Wollongong Operational Wollongong City Council
Woodenbong Operational Kyogle Shire Council
Wyong Operational Wyong Shire Council
Yamba Operational Clarence Valley Council
Yarrowitch Operational Walcha Council and NSW Rural Fire Service
Yass Operational Yass Valley Council
Yelarbon Operational QLD Department of Transport and Main Roads
Yeoval Operational Cabonne Council
Young Operational Young Shire Council and NSW State Emergency Services