Below is a list of useful websites and other supplementary material. Links are to external websites and will open in new windows. More links can be found on our Geodesy and GDA – Useful Links page.
Australian Strategic Plan for GNSS
Australian Strategic Plan for GNSS. Prepared by a working group chaired by Prof. Chris Rizos, under the direction of a steering committee chaired by The Hon Gary Nairn.
World class research infrastructure as a framework for understanding the structure, evolution and dynamic processes of the Australian continent in space and time.
ANZLIC – The spatial information council National Positioning Infrastructure (NPI) policy
The purpose of this policy is to outline a set of principles for the provision of a national positioning infrastructure (NPI) that will ensure sustainable, nationally compatible deployment of GNSS Continuously Operating Reference Stations (CORS) infrastructure capable of accommodating a variety of providers and ensuring an efficient and effective Australia wide coverage and service for the positioning needs of a diverse user community.
AUSGeeoid2020 improves AHD height determination in NSW
GDA2020 requires a new quasigeoid model, AUSGeoid2020, to derive Australian Height Datum (AHD) values from Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) positioning. This study shows that AUSGeoid2020 substantially improves access to AHD in NSW. Derived-AHD values generally change by only a few centimeters, but potentially up to +/- 0.3m in some areas, and are provided with a rigorous uncertainty values based on user location – a world first!
AUSGeoid09: a more direct and more accurate model for converting ellipsoidal heights to AHD heights
In an absolute sense, AUSGeoid09 is an order of magnitude more accurate than AUSGeoid98 at converting ellipsoidal heights to Australian Height Datum (AHD) heights and vice versa. Results of this study show AUSGeoid09 can be used to compute AHD heights from Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) ellipsoidal heights with an uncertainty of less than +0.03 m (one sigma).
AUSGeoid09: Converting GPS heights to AHD heights
Improving access to Australia’s vertical datum
Vicmap Position - GPSnet™ is a positioning and navigation correction service for Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) users, throughout Victoria, Australia
The first proposal for the "Receiver Independent Exchange Format" RINEX has been developed by the Astronomical Institute of the University of Berne for the easy exchange of the GPS data to be collected during the large European GPS campaign EUREF 89, which involved more than 60 GPS receivers of 4 different manufacturers.
As the changes are quite significant, they lead to a new RINEX Version 3. The new version also includes the unofficial Version 2.20 definitions for space-borne receivers.
RTCM Publishes Revised Standard for Differential Global Navigation Satellite Systems
Australian Geospatial Reference System
The Australian Geospatial Reference System (AGRS) is the collection of datums, reference system and models required to move between them.
Positioning Australia aims to provide a national high-accuracy positioning capability that accelerates the adoption and development of location-based technology and applications.