The Foundation Spatial Data Framework (FSDF) was established in the early 2000s to manage and share spatial data effectively. It ensures spatial data is available, interoperable, reliable, and accessible through open data arrangements. The FSDF is a national framework that allows users to make informed decisions that impact safety, development and the environment through the use of spatial data.
The FSDF consists of approximately 300 spatial datasets grouped into 10 themes:
Administrative Boundaries | Elevation and Depth | Geocoded Addressing | Imagery | Land Cover |
Land Parcel and Property | Place Names | Positioning | Transport | Water |
DCS Spatial Services is responsible for the collection, maintenance and distribution of NSW FSDF data. Along with other states and territories, NSW FSDF data contributes to national spatial datasets that facilitate collaboration and information-sharing for the benefit of all Australians.
How do I access NSW FSDF data?
There are various delivery channels that can be used to access NSW FSDF data. These include:
- The Spatial Collaboration Portal, our primary delivery mechanism which offers a centralised delivery mechanism for all customers requiring access to NSW FSDF data
- The Incremental Feed service, which provides data updates to key customers on a nightly basis ensuring their internal systems are kept current, and
- Monthly data deliveries which provide an extraction of the FSDF datasets at a point in time, allowing customers to take delivery of data as needed.
Need help?
If you have questions about FSDF, FSDF data or Spatial Services please contact us via the Customer Hub or calling 1300 789 866 (business hours).