SCIMS online

The Survey Control Information Management System (SCIMS) is a database that contains the coordinates, heights and related attributes for Permanent Survey Marks (PSMs) constituting the State Control Survey established under the direction of the Surveyor-General of NSW. This information is collected through the operation of the Surveying and Spatial Information Act 2002 and the Surveying and Spatial Information Regulation 2017. SCIMS is maintained for the purposes of cadastral boundary definition, engineering surveys, mapping and a variety of other spatial applications.

SCIMS Online is the web mapping tool that makes SCIMS data available to the public via the Spatial Collaboration Portal.

SCIMS stores coordinate information in both the Geocentric Datum of Australia 1994 (GDA94) and the Geocentric Datum of Australia 2020 (GDA2020). Height information is stored in relation to the Australian Height Datum 1971 (AHD) and Ellipsoidal Height for GDA2020. Limited information is maintained in the former Australian Geodetic Datum 1966 (AGD66).

The coordinate values of survey marks in SCIMS are provided as Easting and Northing values on the Map Grid of Australia (MGA2020 or MGA94) projection or as latitude and longitude (geographic).

Accuracy statements, expressed in terms of class, Positional Uncertainty (PU) and Local Uncertainty (LU) (GDA2020), or Class and Order (GDA94), are assigned to each position and height. Other related information includes details of mark types, any eccentric / witness marks and trigonometrical (trig) station details. For more information on how to interpret accuracy refer to Surveyor-General’s Direction No 4 Interpreting the Survey Control Information Management System (SCIMS) (PDF 668.6 KB).

Results of all SCIMS Online searches may be viewed on screen, printed or downloaded in a number of common file formats. SCIMS Online is the authoritative source for coordinate information on PSMs in NSW. Any coordinate or height for a PSM to be quoted on a plan must come from SCIMS Online as it carries with it a transaction number that provides an audit process.

Detailed information on how to interpret SCIMS Online information can be found in Surveyor-General’s Direction No 4 - Using the Survey Control Information Management System (SCIMS) (PDF 668.6 KB). Detailed information on how to use SCIMS Online can be found in the SCIMS Online Support Guide (PDF 4.2 MB).

The surveying profession is encouraged to contribute to maintaining and improving the State’s survey control network by submitting suitable GNSS data and AUSPOS processing results for potential inclusion in SCIMS – please refer to our AUSPOS Submission page for more details.


Access to SCIMS Online is free for all users, but is only available through the Spatial Collaboration Portal. Access to SCIMS Online is based on an individual Spatial Services portal user account – i.e. any individual in your organisation required to use SCIMS should have access to the Spatial Collaboration Portal.

Details on how to create a Spatial Collaboration Portal account can be found here. Once logged in SCIMS Online can be found within the Map Viewers tile of the home page of the Spatial Collaboration Portal.

SCIMS Online data is published through a web mapping application. This allows for the graphical display of imagery, cadastre and survey marks and the selection of PSMs in order to download coordinates, heights, metadata and Locality Sketch Plans for those marks. Ordered products are delivered through both email and a download link.

Web services

SCIMS information is also available in a variety of web service formats for live information.

Contact us

If you require further information or assistance regarding SCIMS Online, please contact:

SCIMS Customer Support

Telephone: 1300 211 253 (8.30am to 5.00pm)


We welcome your questions or comments about SCIMS Online.