Spatial Data

Spatial data describes the shape and location of features and boundaries such as natural features, buildings, survey marks, land parcels, street addresses and local government and administrative boundary areas.

Digital spatial data has become a vital tool for people who need information on land, the environment, transport, communications, utility services and demographics. It is also used every day through tools like GPS and online navigation.

In using Geographical Information System (GIS) technology, organisations across local and NSW governments and the private sector can use digital data in combination with their own data for planning, management of assets, and operations. Individuals from the community can also access NSW Spatial Services, with many products and services offered free of charge from our self-service portal.

The NSW Foundation Spatial Data Framework includes 10 data themes:

  1. Administrative Boundaries
  2. Land parcel and Property
  3. Geocoded Addressing
  4. Transport
  5. Positioning
  6. Place names
  7. Elevation and Depth
  8. Imagery
  9. Water
  10. Land Cover

Spatial Services data supply options GDA94 / GDA2020 as at 1 September 2022  

Under Development

Not Available


  1. Service available from other Spatial Services platform.
  2. NSW Land Cover is provided as link(s) to 3rd party data custodian(s).
  3. NSW Place Names is available via the Geographical Names Register or ICSM
  4. NSW Historical Imagery Viewer does not deliver georeferenced or orthorectified data.
Service Delivery Supply Mechanism Data File GDA94 GDA2020
via Authorised Resellers
Precision Positioning
SCIMS Online (registration information)
via SIX

*The official source for SCIMS information
Survey Control Information

SCIMS web services
via Spatial Collaboration Portal

GDA2020-aligned web services are available via the GDA2020 Services group. For more information see GDA2020 Webservices Info Sheet


Data Export Functions
via Spatial Collaboration Portal
Open data self-service

*See How To Guide 

This function provides download capability of data to be stored in your own system.

#Point Cloud and DEMS available from ELIVS 

NSW Imagery
NSW Administrative Boundaries
NSW Elevation and Depth#
NSW Geocoded Addressing
NSW Landcover2
NSW Land Parcel Property
NSW Place Names3
NSW Positioning
NSW Transport
NSW Water
NSW Physiography
NSW Feature of Interest

Foundation Spatial Data Web Services 
via Spatial Collaboration Portal
Open data self-service

GDA2020-aligned web services are available via the GDA2020 Services group. For more information see GDA2020 Webservices Info Sheet

These services Provide API access for querying and displaying foundation spatial data.

*GDA2020 services under development

NSW Imagery
NSW Administrative Boundaries
NSW Elevation and Depth#
NSW Geocoded Addressing
NSW Landcover2
NSW Land Parcel Property
NSW Place Names3
NSW Positioning
NSW Transport
NSW Water
NSW Physiography
NSW Feature of Interest

Foundation Spatial Data Web Services 
via Spatial Web Services
Open data self-service

GDA2020-aligned web services are available via the GDA2020 Services group. For more information see GDA2020 Webservices Info Sheet 

These services allow access to up to date information without having to store and maintain it locally. Delivered as a map image.

*See also new GDA94 and GDA2020-aligned FDSFX web services listed above via the SCP

NSW Imagery
NSW Base Map
NSW Points of Interest
NSW Administrative Boundaries
NSW Imagery Date
NSW Address Location Service
NSW Cadastre
NSW Property
NSW Topographic Map
Web Mapping Viewers
via Spatial Collaboration Portal
NSW Historical Imagery Viewer4
NSW Spatial Map Viewer
NSW Map Viewer
Topographic Maps (softcopy)
via Spatial Collaboration Portal

GeoPDF 2020 Topographic Maps1
Topographic Maps (softcopy)
via request from the Spatial Services Customer Hub
GeoPDF 2017 Topographic Maps1
Clip & Ship
via Six Maps

*GDA2020 services under development to delivered via Spatial Collaboration Portal
Monthly Manual Extraction
via Direct Supply by client request only

*GDA2020 services under development
GURAS Addressing
NSW Cadastral
NSW Topographic
Incremental Feed 
via Direct Supply by client request only

*GDA2020 services under development
GURAS Addressing
NSW Cadastral
NSW Topographic
Manual Delivery 
via Secure FTP Link at cost on request

*GDA2020 services under development
NSW Imagery
NSW Administrative Boundaries
NSW Elevation and Depth#
NSW Geocoded Addressing
NSW Landcover2
NSW Land Parcel Property
NSW Place Names3
NSW Positioning
NSW Transport
NSW Water
NSW Physiography
NSW Historical Imagery Georeferenced

Note: Transformation of DCS Spatial Services data between GDA94 and GDA2020, where applied, employs the 'NTv2 Conformal plus Distortion' grid method’ per NSW GDA2020 and AGRS Implementation Policy. For more information please refer to


Metadata provides the means for discovering spatial information by identifying: what, where, who, when and how the data behind the information is constructed. Metadata is the means to disclose what the spatial data describes, as well as how it should and can be used.

For more information see the Spatial Services Creating spatial metadata (PDF 56.8 KB) information sheet.

If you have any enquires please contact us.