Where are the available CORS?
A map of CORSnet-NSW network is available.
A number of different maps are provided on this page, showing existing and proposed sites as well as land and population coverage statistics. Spatial Services is still actively expanding the network so these maps are frequently updated.
How can I subscribe to CORSnet-NSW service?
Potential users can get access to CORSnet-NSW through our Resellers.
If you are an education provider, CORSnet-NSW station host/partner or research user you may be entitled to a direct subscription. Contact the CORSnet-NSW team at corsnet@customerservice.nsw.gov.au for more information.
How do I change my password?
If you have purchased a subscription through a reseller please contact them directly to change any of your account details.
If you are a direct user of CORSnet-NSW, to change your password, follow these steps:
- Log into the CORSnet-NSW Web Portal.
- Click on 'Logins' on the left hand side menu.
- Select the login you wish to change the password for.
- For the Username (for web portal), enter your old password and new password. For real-time logins simply edit the Password field.
I forgot my password/login details. Can you please send it?
If you have forgotten your password or login details, contact CORSnet-NSW Customer Support. We will send the login details to your registered email address. For security reason, we cannot provide password over the phone.
When does my subscription run out?
You can check your active subscriptions and expiration details online by following these steps:
- Log into the CORSnet-NSW Web Portal.
- Click on 'Active Subscriptions'. All your active subscriptions will be shown.
- Determine the expiry date based on the subscription length and start date or the time remaining values.
Our system notifies users via email at 35 days before expiration, 10 days before expiration and at expiration.
How do I renew my CORSnet-NSW subscription?
To renew your subscription, please contact your reseller.
If you are a station host/partner, education or research user contact the CORSnet-NSW team at corsnet@customerservice.nsw.gov.au to discuss subscription renewal.
How do I download RINEX data?
Instructions for downloading RINEX data and other functions on the CORSnet-NSW Web Portal are available in the CORSnet-NSW User Guide. Approximate header now inGDA2020; Software may use this for computations and as a result users havereported unexpected 1.8m shift in processing results
What Datum is my RINEX header position in?
RINEX header information for all CORSnet-NSW data is now in GDA2020. Industry standards dictate that RINEX header positions are approximate only. It is highly recommended that you use the stations certified position which is in both GDA2020 and GDA94 (2010) at https://www.spatial.nsw.gov.au/corsnet-nsw/network_information. Alternatively the coordinates can be obtained from SCIMS Online (essential for connection to GDA94).
Is my local base station down?
You can check live status of all CORS in the network from our web portal.
If the CORS is displayed with a yellow or red icon it means the CORS is not available.
For extended outage that may span multiple days, we also issue an alert via the RSS feed. Access our guide on how to subscribe to the CORSnet-NSW RSS feed.
Is CORSnet available in GDA2020?
Yes CORSnet-NSW is available for real-time users in both GDA2020 and GDA94. Instructions on how to connect to either of these services are available on page 8 of the User Guide. Station coordinates are calculated in GDA2020 and are subject to Regulation 13 Certification.
How do I determine AHD heights using GDA2020?
To get accurate AHD heights while using GDA2020 you will need to make sure your equipment is using the correct geoid. AUSGeoid09 will only give accurate results when using GDA94. When using GDA2020 you should use AUSGeoid2020. Contact your equipment supplier for further help with your particular hardware.
Connection issues in the field
Rover is not connecting to the Internet
Please contact your reseller who can assist with your rover dialup process.
Rover is connected to the Internet but is not connecting to CORSnet-NSW
Check that you are using the correct settings on your rover (NtripCaster address, port number, mountpoint name, login name, password). The NtripCaster address must be corsnet.nsw.gov.au with port number 2101 for GDA94 coordinates or port 2020 for GDA2020 coordinates.
If you are still having issues, contact CORSnet-NSW Customer Support. We will check your login name and password, subscription status and also simulate a connection using your login details to confirm. Common problems are incorrect login name or password, locked account (due to invalid multiple attempts), expired subscription or attempt to connect more than one rover.
Rover is connected to CORSnet-NSW, but no correction data is received
If you are using the VRS or Nearest-CORS service, ensure that your rover is configured for VRS so that it will send its position to our system.
If you are using the Single-Base service and manually connecting to a specific CORS, check the availability of the CORS on our Live Map.
Rover is receiving correction data, but has intermittent dropouts
This could indicate the following:
- Poor mobile Internet coverage.
- Poor sky view and hence poor tracking of GNSS satellites at the rover.