Map projections

Listed below are map projections relevant to New South Wales. Scroll down to view details of the projection parameters and associated ellipsoids.

Our GNSS Publications contain several publications related to datums, transformations and projections. Additional information is available in the GDA2020 Technical Manual, on ICSM’s Australian Geospatial Reference System page and on Geoscience Australia’s Geodetic Datums and Projections page.

Current GDA Projections

  • MGA - Map Grid of Australia
  • GDA Lambert Projection for NSW

Superseded AGD66 Projections

  • ISG - Integrated Survey Grid
  • AMG - Australian Map Grid


  • UTM - Universal Transverse Mercator
  • ANG - Australian National Grid (pre 1966)
  • Lambert - NSW Mapping Agencies (pre GDA)

MGA - Map Grid of Australia (MGA94, MGA2020)

The official coordinate projection for use with the GDA94 and GDA2020.

Projection: Transverse Mercator
Zone: Width: 6 degrees
Longitude of Origin: Central Meridian of each zone
Latitude of Origin: Equator (zero degrees)
False Easting: 500 000
False Northing: 10 000 000
Central Scale Factor: 0.9996
Units: Metre
Ellipsoid: GRS80
More Information: ICSM website.

MGA Zones for NSW

MGA zones for NSW image

GDA Lambert Projection for NSW (GDA94 Lambert, GDA2020 Lambert)

This Lambert projection is suitable for state-wide GIS data in NSW. To ensure uniformity across agencies, the Surveyor General has endorsed the following parameters for use with GDA94 and GDA2020 data.

Projection: Conformal Conic
Standard Parallels: -30º 45' 00"
-35º 45' 00"
Latitude of Origin: -33º 15' 00"
Central Meridian: 147º 00' 00"
False Easting: 9 300 000
False Northing: 4 500 000
Units: Metre
Ellipsoid: GRS80
More Information: [Historic] Policy for GDA94 NSW Lambert Conformal Conic Projection (PDF 3.6 MB)

ISG - Integrated Survey Grid

A projection used in NSW only - ISG was introduced to minimise scale factor corrections (mainly in cadastral surveys). Coordinates are derived from the Australian Geodetic Datum 1966 (AGD66), see: ICSM’s Australian Geospatial Reference System page.

Projection: Transverse Mercator
Zone Width: 2 degrees
Longitude of Origin: Central Meridian of each zone
Latitude of Origin: Equator (zero degrees)
False Easting: 300 000
False Northing: 5 000 000
Central Scale Factor: 0.99994
Units: Metre
Ellipsoid: ANS
More Information: ISG document (PDF 220.1 KB)

AMG - Australian Map Grid

The official coordinate projection used with the Australian Geodetic Datum 1966 (AGD66), see ICSM’s Australian Geospatial Reference System page.

Projection: Transverse Mercator
Zone Width: 6 degrees
Longitude of Origin: Central Meridian of each zone
Latitude of Origin: Equator (zero degrees)
False Easting: 500 000
False Northing: 10 000 000
Central Scale Factor: 0.9996
Units: Metre
Ellipsoid: ANS
More Information: ICSM website

UTM - Universal Transverse Mercator

The standard international coordinate projection system used with many different map datums. (The parameters are identical to MGA, therefore users often select UTM where MGA may not be an available option in their software or GNSS receiver setup menu).

Projection: Transverse Mercator
Zone Width: 6 degrees
Longitude of Origin: Central Meridian of each zone
Latitude of Origin: Equator (zero degrees)
False Easting: 500 000
False Northing: 10 000 000
Central Scale Factor: 0.9996
Units: Metre
Ellipsoid: Global (e.g. WGS84, GrS80)
More information: ICSM website

ANG - Australian National Grid

Australia's grid coordinate system prior to 1966.

Projection: Transverse Mercator
Zone Width: 5 degrees
Longitude of Origin: Central Meridian of each zone
Latitude of Origin: Equator (zero degrees)
False Easting: 400 000
False Northing: 4 915 813.467
Central Scale Factor: 1.0 exactly
Units: Yards
Ellipsoid: Clarke 1858
More Information: ICSM website

Lambert - NSW Mapping Agencies (pre GDA)

This Lambert projection was used by many NSW mapping agencies (primarily CMA) for state-wide hard copy maps based on the Australian Geodetic Datum 1966 (AGD66), see ICSM’s Australian Geospatial Reference System page.

Projection: Conformal Conic
Standard Parallels: -29º 30' 00"
-35º 30' 00"
Latitude of Origin: -32º 30' 00"
Central Meridian: 147º 00' 00"
False Easting: n/a
False Northing: n/a
Units: Metre
Ellipsoid: ANS
More Information: ICSM website

Associated ellipsoids

GRS80 - Geodetic Reference System 1980

Semi-major Axis: 6378137.0 metres
Inverse Flattening (1/f): 298.257222101
More Information: ICSM website

WGS84 - World Geodetic System 1984

Semi-major Axis: 6378137.0 metres
Inverse Flattening (1/f): 298.257223563
More Information: ICSM website

ANS - Australian National Spheroid

Semi-major Axis: 6378160.0 metres
Inverse Flattening (1/f): 298.25
More Information: ICSM website

Clarke 1858 Spheroid

Semi-major Axis: 20 926 348 British Feet
Inverse Flattening (1/f): 294.26
More Information: ICSM website