DatumTran does not currently provide support for GDA94 – GDA2020 transformations.
Please enquire with your software provider for GDA2020 support and /or review the ICSM GDA2020 transformation products and tools website.
DatumTran transforms typical GIS data files between Australian Geodetic Datums (AGD84 / AGD66) and GDA94. This includes between MGA, AMG and ISG grid (projection) coordinates or geographic (latitude/longitude) positions.
DatumTran also transforms the same file types between GDA94 and ITRF (International Terrestrial Reference Frame). This is currently a 2-stage process using current epoch and ITRF2000(IGS).
The following data file types are supported:
- MapInfo MIF/MID
- ARC Export E00
- Arc Ungenerate files
- AutoCad DXF
- Well Known Text (WKT)
- GENAMAP export (not binary) EE
- ASCII text
- CSV (comma separated variables)
- ESRI shape (binary)
The user is guided through a step-by-step process to transform the positional data held within a file from one datum to another by creating a file identical to the original, but with coordinates in the new datum. The program includes a batch processing option for multiple file selection.
The program uses the following national transformation grid distortion models (NTv2):
- AGD66 to GDA94: A66 National (13.09.01).gsb
- AGD84 to GDA94: National A84 (02.07.01).gsb
The program uses an iterative process for the reverse transformation.
A buffer limit within this version limits the number of characters in a line of text to 300. Any characters beyond this will be lost in the transformation.
DatumTran was developed in-house and is available free as a download by contacting SCIMS@customerservice.nsw.gov.au.
Download DatumTran v1.6 (2 January 2008) (EXE 14.7 MB).