
Spatial Services is custodian of the land parcel and property theme of the NSW Foundation Spatial Data Framework (FSDF). The cadastre is a digital representation of all land parcel and property boundaries in NSW. This includes managing the collection, storage, maintenance and product development, in line with customer requirements, NSW and national policies, initiatives and guidelines, of the authoritative State cadastre.

We do this by:

  • Maintenance of the digital cadastral database (DCDB): Meeting requirements for new plan registrations, positional upgrade and improvement of cadastral data as well as digitisation of survey plans which sees 3.9 million features edited or added each year.
  • Cadastral Update: Ongoing maintenance of the DCDB, this includes the integration of new survey plans to reflect current title which accounts for approximately 12,000 deposited plans registered each year.
  • Cadastral Upgrade: Improvement of the digital cadastral database’s positional accuracy in key focus locations. This program has seen over a quarter of the DCDB parcels upgraded so far and not all parcels require an improvement to their positional accuracy.
  • 3D Strata: Digitisation of 90,000 strata plans in NSW. An initial capture focus of 9,500 strata plans is being undertaken in the priority areas of Western Sydney City Deal and Greater Parramatta and Olympic Park Peninsula. This data will be utilised in the Digital Twin.
  • Survey Plan Digitisation Project: Digitisation of hard copy survey and strata plans into LandXML and GeoPackage formats. The digitisation of this data significantly reduces duplication and handling of data.
  • Cadastre of known accuracy: We use a collection of information about cadastral data across NSW to provide accuracy statements about the cadastre.
  • CadastreNSW: This project is implementing a service for Local Government Authorities to capture and visualise the progress of subdivision developments across NSW. This will increase efficiencies for planning and land development.

Want to learn about how the NSW Spatial Cadastre came to be? Read about the evolution of this critical piece of digital infrastructure here.
